This application is for vendors providing food of any kind - from peanuts to funnel cakes to burgers.
"*" indicates required fields
Mobile/Permanent: Mobile Unit permitted by the Health Department.
We require a menu listing, VDH Sticker and/or current VDH Permit. Please upload to the application as instructed.
NEW for 2024: PayPal will collect your card information upon form submission, but we will not "capture" the payment until you are approved by the Food Directors to participate.
Tent/Temporary: Un-permitted mobile unit preparing food on-site.
We require a menu listing and current TFE (Temporary Food Establishment) application. Please upload to the application as instructed.
Agriculture: Food prepared and packaged off-site.
Required by the Health Department: Agriculture Inspection or permit. Please upload a copy of your VDACS permit to this form as instructed.